Webinar of PKMK UGM with Theme The Use of Medical Logistics in Disaster: Tetanus Case Study on Yogyakarta Earthquake for Prevention on Pidie Jaya Earthquake 2016


Webinar of PKMK UGM with Theme The Use of Medical Logistics in Disaster: Tetanus Case Study on Yogyakarta Earthquake for Prevention on Pidie Jaya Earthquake 2016

Webinar of PKMK UGM with Theme The Use of Medical Logistics in Disaster: Tetanus Case Study on Yogyakarta Earthquake for Prevention on Pidie Jaya Earthquake 2016

PMKM UGM with Health Crisis Center held a webinar related to the use of medical logistics for the prevention of tetanus of Pidie Jaya earthquake victims with case study of Tetanus from Jogja earthquake. Head of Health crisis Center, dr. Achmad Yurianto acted as interviewee in this activity.