Windstorm and Landslide Strike Belu District


Windstorm and Landslide Strike Belu District

Windstorm and landslides occurred in the districts of Lamaknen and South Lamaknen especially in the villages of Fulur, Makir, Mahuitas and Nualain

The incident occurred on February 10th, 2017 and resulted in damage to houses and public places. In addition, due to windstorm and landslides also destroyed 750 meters of state road, so the transportation access to the city of Atambua, the capital of Belu Regency was blocked. In addition to the landslide, windstorm also striked East Tasifeto Sub-district that caused seven houses damaged.

Health Service will be provided at the Health Center of Dilumil and Nualain and opened the Health Posts in Polindes Makir and Polindes Mahuitas as well as conducting the mobile health center around the affected area of ​​disaster.

Based on the data from the Health Crisis Center, the team from the District Health Office of Belu immediately conducted an investigation related to the windstorm and landslide as well as instructed to conduct health service in disaster location in mobile and in-building services.