Adjusting System for Disaster Mitigation with Local Culture


Adjusting System for Disaster Mitigation with Local Culture

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia (MIPA UI) held a Seminar on Climate Change entitled "The impact of climate change to sustainability development" on Wednesday (11/23/2016) in Room B 101 MIPA UI.

This topic is discussed by presenting several speakers who are competent in their fields, namely Prof. Jatna Surpriantna (Experts on Climate Change UI), Dr. rer. nat. Armi Susandi (ITB Climate Change Specialist), Dr. Yunus S. Swarinoto (Deputy Meteorological BMKG), and Dr. Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (Head of Data Information and Public Relations BNPB).

Indonesia atmospheric dynamics conditions which are humid and wet increases the incidence of hydro-meteorological disasters in some parts of Indonesia such as Bandung and flash floods in Aceh, landslide in Garut, as well as strong winds in South Kalimantan.

Dr. Sutopo in his presentation said that to cope with these disasters needs to be done disaster mitigation made by the three main pillars, namely the government, civil society and the private sector.

However, he said the most difficult factor to be controlled is an element of society.

"The main mitigation challenge in Indonesia is the bases of the existing mitigation structure," he said.

The most obvious example is climate or weather forecasts that belongs BMKG are accurate and transparent, but many people do not use the information.

"Disaster mitigation has not become in our culture, we tend to be indifferent and resigned to the potential disaster around us," he added.

This what makes the management efforts and disaster prevention difficult. He cited, like the act of batteries stealing by the local communities which is installed in seismographs across volcanoes in Indonesia.

Another such example, an early warning system for landslides usually even used a clothesline pole by the local community, and not used as it should be.

Moreover, he continued, after the disaster, our society also tend to be passive and not tough when facing the disaster, because it used to be fed by the government and other private assistance.

According to him, the best solution in dealing with the condition of this society is to create a disaster warning system that adapts to the condition of local culture.

He cited when local people are accustomed to hearing the sound of "Allahu Akbar" as a marker of the earthquake, the local people"s habits can be entered as one component in an early warning system for the disaster. (Wanda Ayu)

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