Preliminary Fire Information in 1 District, PONOROGO, EAST JAVA | 02-11-2017
Thursday, 02 November 2017
The owner of the house went to the garden while leaving the cooking stoves which not turned off and using it to roast firewood, then at 10:10 pm the firewood ..
LIHATFire in 1 District, SUKABUMI, WEST JAVA | 25-10-2017
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
There was a fire in the Cibencoy, Cisaat Village, Sukabumi District, West Java October 25, 2017. A total of 5 firefighters units are deployed to extinguish. The fire burnt 20 ..
LIHATTransportation Accidents in 1 District, MAJENE, WEST SULAWESI | 16-09-2017
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
The boat contains four people reported hit the waves on the way when fishing, Four fishermen reported missing in Majene Sub-District Sendana, Majene District on Saturday September 16, 2017 at ..
LIHATHeavy Winds in 1 District, POLEWALI MANDAR, WEST SULAWESI | 22-10-2017
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
There has been heavy winds accompanied by heavy rain in the Polewali District (Lontara, Wattang, Takatidung Hamlet) Poliwali Mandar District, West Sulawesi Province at October 22, 2017 around 9.00 pm. ..
LIHATPreliminary Information on Heavy Winds at KALIMANTAN BARAT | 09-08-2017
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Heavy wind hit the settlement in Mempawah District, in Dusun Palawija, Simpang Empat Wajok Hilir Village, Mempawah, Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at around 9.00 pm. This incident affects 19 homes ..
LIHATFire Incident in 1 District, PATI, CENTRAL JAVA | 15-07-2017
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
A number of ships are burned by the fire in the Juwana District waters, Pati District, Central Java. In this incident, 14 motorboats were charred in the river channel of ..
LIHATHeavy Winds in 1 District, KOTA BEKASI, WEST JAVA | 22-10-2017
Monday, 23 October 2017
There was a heavy winds on the Pangkalan II Street, Sumur Batu, Bantar gebang Subdistrict, Bekasi City at 4.00 pm on October 22, 2017. As a result 20 unit of ..
LIHATFlood in 1 District, CILACAP, CENTRAL JAVA | 16-10-2017
Thursday, 19 October 2017
There has been a flood in the Penggungsari Village, Nusawungu Subdistrict, Cilacap District. High rainfall and normalization of the Sibelis river has not been completed and also the disfunction of ..
LIHATExtraordinary Events (KLB) - Poisoning in 1 District, KEDIRI CITY, EAST JAVA | 16-10-2017
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
There has been poisoning that happened to 12 students of Tempurejo 1 Elementary School in the Pesantren sub-district. Poisoning allegedly caused by eating a chocolate brought by one of the ..
LIHATTechnology Failure in 1 District, PATI, CENTRAL JAVA | 14-10-2017
Saturday, 14 October 2017
An explosion occurred from the Heating Alarm Walls at RAA Soewondo Pati Hospital at October 15, 2017. The explosion occurred due to the process of repairing freon dosage process in ..