Extraordinary Events (KLB) - Poisoning in 1 District, GROBOGAN, CENTRAL JAVA | 16-08-2017


Extraordinary Events (KLB) - Poisoning in 1 District, GROBOGAN, CENTRAL JAVA | 16-08-2017

Dozens of Pesita Pesantren students (Pespres) Pelita Purwodadi, Grobogan District, Central Java were rushed to the clinic after suspected food poisoning after snack outside school. A total of 23 students suspected of poisoning were taken to the Kandangan Health Clinic. Victims whom poisoned after eating chicken rica wrapped in banana leaves. The local health office has taken food and vomit samples to be tested in the laboratory.


District / City Health Office Efforts:

Conduct Monitoring and Coordination with related LS Providing health services to victims. Take samples of food and vomit to be tested to the laboratory.


Effort of Provincial Health Office:

Coordinate with Health Office Kab. Grobogan


Regional Health Service Efforts:



Ministry of Health Efforts:

Monitoring and Reporting


More info contact,

Institution: PPKK Central Java

Name of Reporter: Harris


Phone Number: 0812-2525-7735