There has been poisoning that happened to 12 students of Tempurejo 1 Elementary School in the Pesantren sub-district. Poisoning allegedly caused by eating a chocolate brought by one of the students. As a result of this incident the victim was rushed to Ngletih Public Health Center.
The condition of the victim gradually improves and is allowed to go home. Kediri City Health Office has taken food samples for laboratory test.
District / City Health Office Efforts:
Conduct Monitoring and Coordination with related cross sector
Providing Health Services to Victims.
Taking food samples for laboratory tests.
Provincial Health Office Efforts:
Coordinate with Kediri Health Office
Regional Health Service Efforts:
Ministry of Health Efforts:
Conduct Monitoring and Reporting
More info contact,
Institution: Kediri City Health Office
Name of Reporter:
Phone Number: (0354) 682001