Flood in BANDUNG, WEST JAVA, 08-03-2017


Flood in BANDUNG, WEST JAVA, 08-03-2017

Preliminary Information Flood in 3 Subdistricts, BANDUNG, WEST JAVA | 08-03-2017

Preliminary Information Crisis Center Health to flood disaster that occurred in 3 districts, namely Baleendah, Bojongsoang, Dayeuhkolot, BANDUNG, WEST JAVA on 08-03-2017.

In the preliminary data obtained from the local health office coordinated with several related agencies then the number of victims who can be informed is as many as 895 people, consisting of 0 people died, 0 people missing, 0 Injuries Weight / Hospitalization, 0 Light Injuries / Outpatient and 895 Refugees.


District / City Health Office Efforts:

Conduct Monitoring and Coordination of Regents and LS related.

Effort of Provincial Health Office:

Conduct field surveys.

Regional Health Service Efforts:

Monitoring and Reporting

Kemenkes Efforts:

Monitoring and Reporting

More info contact,

Agency: Health Office Kab. Bandung

Name of Reporter:


No. Phone: