Flood in CIREBON, WEST JAVA, 01-04-2017


Flood in CIREBON, WEST JAVA, 01-04-2017

Preliminary Information Crisis Center Health to flood disaster that occurred in 1 district, namely Gebang, CIREBON, WEST JAVA on 01-04-2017.

• floods soaked residents houses in Gebang Sub-district. Based on the information collected, the floods soaked Gebang Udik Village, Gebang Ilir Village and Gebang Mekar Village, the height of floods ranges from approximately 1 meter.

• Some residents had evacuated their families, especially children and parents, to the homes of their relatives who were not hit by the floods. But in the afternoon, the residents have returned and busy cleaning the house from water or mud into the house.

In the preliminary data obtained from the local health office coordinated with several related agencies then the number of victims who can be informed were no casualties from this disaster.



District / City Health Office Efforts:

Monitoring and Coordination with related sectors.


Effort of Provincial Health Office:

Coordinate with DHO Cirebon


Regional Health Service Efforts:

Monitoring and Reporting


Ministry of Health Efforts:

Monitoring and Reporting


More info contact,

Agency: BPBD cirebon city

Name of Reporter:


No. Phone: (0231) 4848304