Flood in Nunukan, KALIMANTAN UTARA, 16-05-2017


Flood in Nunukan, KALIMANTAN UTARA, 16-05-2017

Preliminary Information Crisis Center Health to flood disaster that occurred in 2 districts, namely Krayan, Krayan Selatan, Nunukan, KALIMANTAN UTARA on 16-05-2017.

Heavy rain caused more than 30 villages in Krayan Timur, Krayan Induk and Krayan Tengah sub-districts were submerged as high as 1.5-2 meter. As a result of flooding, dozens of villages in 3 Krayan sub-district were reported isolated because bridges & connecting roads between villages are not traversed by vehicles. Flood also cut off transportation activities from Long Bawan Malaysia to Long Midang and to Krayan Timur & Central Krayan. Floods also made dozens of schools in the border areas of Krayan sub-district to be submerged, consequently, some schools chose to dismiss their students.

In the preliminary data obtained from the local health office coordinated with several related agencies then the number of victims who can be informed there is no casualties in this accident.



District / City Health Office Efforts:

Carry out Monitoring and Coordination with the related Sector Cross.


Provincial Health Office Efforts:

Coordinate with Health Office of Nunukan District


Regional Health Service Efforts:

Performing Assistance and Creating reports


Ministry of Health Efforts:

Performing Assistance and Creating reports


More info contact,

Agency: BPBD Kabupaten Nunukan

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