Flooding in LANGKAT, NORTH SUMATERA, 23-05-2017


Flooding in LANGKAT, NORTH SUMATERA, 23-05-2017

Preliminary Information Crisis Center Health to flood disaster that occurred in 1 district, namely Sei Lepan, LANGKAT, NORTH SUMATERA on 23-05-2017.

• Floods hit Langkat, North Sumatera (North Sumatra), Flood caused by overflow of Sei Lepan river and old village embankment breaks.

• 311 houses were affected by floods. • The water level varies from 50-100 cm. However, no houses were damaged by the flood.

• No casualties or displaced persons due to this incident.



District / City Health Office Efforts:

Carry out Monitoring and Coordination with the related cross sector


Provincial Health Office Efforts:

Coordinate with Langkat Health Office


Regional Health Service Efforts:

Performing Assistance and Creating reports


Ministry of Health Efforts:

Performing Assistance and Creating reports


More info contact,

Agency: BPBD Langkat

Name of Reporter:


No. Phone: 0852-6261-4375