Landslide at BOGOR CITY, WEST JAVA, 29-06-2017


Landslide at BOGOR CITY, WEST JAVA, 29-06-2017

Initial Landslide Information in 1 District, KOTA BOGOR, WEST JAVA | 29-06-2017

Preliminary Information Health Crisis Center on Landslide disaster that occurred in 1 sub district, namely Central Bogor, KOTA BOGOR, WEST JAVA on 29-06-2017.

Rain that flooded the area of ​​Bogor since Thursday, June 29, 2017 afternoon resulted in three houses in Kampung Lebak Kantin, Sempur Village, Central Bogor Sub-district, Bogor City. There are three houses affected by landslide, consisting of 4 families and 22 people. There was no casualties in this incident.



District / City Health Office Efforts:

Monitoring and Coordination with the related Sector Cross.


Provincial Health Office Efforts:

Coordinate with Bogor City Health Office


Ministry of Health Efforts:

Monitoring and reporting


More info contact,

Institution: Bogor City Health Office

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