Preliminary information of Heavy Winds in one sub-district, East Tanjung Jabung, JAMBI | 12-07-2016


Preliminary information of Heavy Winds in one sub-district, East Tanjung Jabung, JAMBI | 12-07-2016

Preliminary information of tornado winds in one sub-district, Tanjung Jabung EAST, J A F B I | 12-07-2016

Based on Health Crisis Center Information of heavy winds disaster which occured in the 1 sub-districts, Mendahara, EAST TANJUNG JABUNG, J A M B I on 12-07-2016.

In the preliminary data obtained from the local health department and coordination with several relevant agencies, the number of victims can be informed were 0 people, consisting of 0 people died, 0 people missing, 0 Major Injury / Inpatient 0 Minor Injury / Outpatient and 0 refugees.


Efforts District Health Office / City:

Conduct a review of the location. Alarmed the health services in health centers and hospitals. make a report.

Efforts Provincial Health Department:

Coordinate with the Health Office Tanjung Jabung Central in terms of monitoring and reporting

Efforts Regional Health Department:

Monitoring and reporting

MoH Efforts :

Monitoring and reporting

More info contact,

Institution: Public Health Service Prov.Jambi