Preliminary Information on Flash Flood in 2 Subdistricts, WEST SUMBAWA, WEST NUSA TENGGARA | 02-04-2017


Preliminary Information on Flash Flood in 2 Subdistricts, WEST SUMBAWA, WEST NUSA TENGGARA | 02-04-2017

Preliminary Information Crisis Center Health to Flash Flood disaster that occurred in 2 sub-districts, namely Maluk, Sekongkang, WEST SUMBAWA, WEST NUSA TENGGARA on 02-04-2017.

• Rain with a heavy intensity of hit the district area from  11.05 until 17.00

• There are 25 head of family in 3th Neighbourhood submerged about 50 cm of water.

• There are 15 head of family in Maluk Oka village submerged about 50-75 cm of water.

• There are 4 units of homes in the village of upper damaged lightly hit by banjir bandang.

• Football fence at Sekongkang village heavily damaged about 3000 meterr

No casualties because this incident.



District / City Health Office Efforts:

• Identify the died victim.

• Monitor and coordinate with related sectors.


Effort of Provincial Health Office:

• Coordination with West Sumbawa Regency Health Office


Regional Health Service Efforts:

• Monitoring and reporting


Ministry of Health Efforts:

• Monitoring and reporting.


More info contact,


Agency: BPBD West Sumbawa Regency

Name of Reporter: Drs. H. Hamzah


Phone Number: