The History of Center for Health Crisis, MoH


The History Of Center for Health Crisis Center Management, MoH

The history of Pusat Krisis Kesehatan (PKK) or Center for the Health Crisis of Ministry of Health begins on June 24, 1991 which is when the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Health No. 360 / Menkes / SK / VI / 1991 about the Permanent Working Group of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. It is also based on that in the development of the health sector there were limited health problems caused by potential disease outbreaks, and catastrophic events that impact on health. It is also in line with the World Health Organization (WHO) has established preparedness programs and disaster relief at the discretion of the National Coordinating Agency for Disaster Management and Refugees (Bakornas-PBP), in which the health sector needs to improve preparedness in disaster management. In connection with this it is necessary to establish a permanent working group (pokjatap) wich has the tasks:

  1. Formulating measures and strategies, as well as the coordination and integration of disaster management preparedness and cross-program within the Ministry of Health.
  2. Improving cross-sectoral working mechanism functional in disaster preparedness and disaster management on Bakornas-PBP. However, in the execution of their duties have not been regulated in this Decree (to be regulated more).

Furthermore, the Ministry of Health mengangggap need to form a functional unit within the Ministry of Health within the framework of the implementation of control and prevention of the disaster that is coordinated through an operations control center that the implementation of activities charged to Pusat Penanggulangan Krisis Akibat Bencana (Crisis Center). Therefore, on June 7, 1995, issued the Decree of the Minister of Health No. No. 594 / Menkes / SK / VI / 1995 about the Functional Unit Pusat Penanggulangan Krisis Akibat Bencana without dissolving the Working Group Permanent Disaster Preparedness and Health Sector which first formed, which has the task:

  1. Controlling activities since the phase of the early warning of disaster to the end of emergency response.
  2. Forming a Crisis Control Centre and the soon to be active in the event of a disaster.

Due to changes in the economic, social, and political, which have great impact on the health and development of overall health and as a follow-up workshop outcomes of health care reform, it is necessary to monitor and evaluate the impact of the economic crisis on the health sector as well as to overcome it fast. To carry out these activities then on 2 September 1998, the Ministry of Health issued the Decree of the Minister of Health No. 942 / Menkes / SK / IX / 1998 on the establishment of Pusat Informasi dan Penanggulangan Krisis Kesehatan - PIPKK (the Information Center for Crisis and Health), which has the task:

  1. Develop and establish selected indicators used for monitoring the impact of the economic crisis on health.
  2. Collecting process data and analyze it.
  3. Monitor and evaluate the impact of implementing response activities due to the economic crisis terhada health.
  4. Present the results of the analysis, monitoring and evaluation to the Steering Committee.

With three functional units are often confusion and overlapping of work, especially to coordinate with parties outside the Ministry of Health.

In 2000 the Ministry of Health issued a Decree of the Ministry of Health No. 130 / Menkes / SK / I / 2000 dated January 26 about the Organization and Working Procedure of the Ministry of Health and followed by the Health Minister Decree No. 726 / Menkes / SK / IV / 2000 April 24 about the dissolution of the three functional units and delegate duties to a new structural unit that is Pusat Penanggulangan Masalah Kesehatan (PPMK).

PPMK under the decree mentioned above has the task of drafting a general policy, preparing the formulation of policy implementation, and formulate technical policy and coordinate implementation, guidance and control of crisis management and other health problems based on policies established by the Minister and legislation applicable and has the functions:

  1. The drafting of general policy, the implementation of the policy formulation, and technical policy formulation and coordination of the implementation of the guidance and control in the field of monitoring the crisis and other health problems as well as the mobilization of resources.
  2. Evaluation of the implementation of policies, regulations, standards, and programs in the field of monitoring the crisis and other health problems as well as resource mobilization.
  3. Management of administrative affairs and households of PPMK.

PPMK has 3 divisions (Division of Administration, Division of Health Problems Monitoring, and Division of Resource Mobilization), the Head of PPMK is Dr. Emil Agustiono, M.Sc.

On August 23, 2000, In the first reshuffle of the Cabinet of National Unity led by Indonesia 4th President K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid, the Ministry of Health, Office of the Minister of State for Social Problems, and The National Board of Social Coordinating (former Ministry of Social Affairs) merged into the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. Related to that in 2001 published of the Minister of Health and Social Welfare Decree No. 446 / Menkes-Kesos / SK / V / 2001 dated May 11 about the Organization and Working Prosedure of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, one of which is the establishment of the Directorate General of Social Affairs and Health Management, is comprised of 2 Directorates namely Directorate for Preparedness and Mitigation of Health and Social Affairs and the Directorate of Health and Social Aid of Disaster Victims.

The Task of Directorate for Preparedness and Mitigation of Health and Social Affairs is to carry out the policy formulation and implementation, and standardization, and technical guidance and evaluation in the field of preparedness and mitigation of health and social services, and has the functions:

  1. To prepare the formulation and implementation of policies in the field of assessment and technology transfer, the preparedness of health resources, social resources preparedness, mitigation and publications, and cooperation.
  2. Preparation of the compilation of standards, norms, guidelines, criteria and procedures in the field of assessment and technology transfer, the preparedness of health resources, social resources preparedness, mitigation and publications, and cooperation.
  3. Technical assistance in the field of assessment and technology transfer, the preparedness of health resources, social resources preparedness, mitigation and publications, and cooperation.
  4. Evaluation of the implementation of policies in the field of assessment and technology transfer, the preparedness of health resources, social resources preparedness, mitigation and publications, as well as cooperation.
  5. Implementation of administrative affairs and household of the directorate.

The Directorate for Health and Social Assistance Disaster Victim has the duty and function to prevent the health and social problems caused by the disaster.

In 2001 the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare form a functional unit Brigade Siaga Bencana - BSB (Disaster Preparedness Brigade), which originally consisted of the medical team that later developed into the Technical Team, Medical Team, Social Worker Surveillance Team, and Management Team.

On August 10, 2001, Under Indonesia 5th President Megawati Sukarnoputri Ministry of Health and Social Welfare reorganized to become Ministry of Health. In this regard, on 27 November 2001 Minister of Health published Ministry of Health Decree No. 1277 / Menkes / SK / XI / 2001 about Organization and Work Procedure of the Ministry of Health, one of which is Pusat Penanggulangan Masalah Kesehatan (PPMK) reformation. In the new Ministry of Health Organization, PPMK is a supporting element of Ministry of Health which has responsibility to the Secretary General. As the head of the PPMK is dr. Dotti Indrasanto, MPH., who served from 2001 to 2005, and followed by dr. Mulya A.Hasjimy, Sp.B., MKes. up to 2006.

PPMK has the tasks of technical policy formulation and implementation of the prevention of health problems with regard to the disaster and has the functions:

  1. Formulation of technical policy for managing health problems with regard to the disaster.
  2. Preparation of programs for managing health problems with regard to the disaster.
  3. Coordinate the implementation of prevention of health problems with regard to the disaster.
  4. Evaluation and preparation of prevention of health problems with regard to the disaster.
  5. Implementation of administrative affairs and household of the PPMK.

PPMK has of 3 divisions (Division of Administration, Division of Preparedness and Mitigation, and Division of Emergency Response and Recovery) and functional groups.

Aftermath of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Aceh December 26, 2004, PPMK with WHO collaboration formed the Health Emergency Information and Operations Unit (HEIOU), which became the forerunner of Division of Monitoring and Information, is also intended to monitor the incidence of health crises continuously for 24 hours, covering the place, time, the victim, as well as preparedness and emergency response in order to minimize the adverse effects that occurred in the health sector.

Earthquake and Tsunami in Aceh has also become one of the triggers to reformed the organizational structure of PPMK in addition to the increasing complexity of health crises and catastrophic event, so the Minister of Health published the Minister of Health Regulation No. 1575 / Menkes / Per / XI / 2005 dated 16 November 2005 about Organization and Work Procedures of the Ministry of Health, one of which is the cahange of the nomenclature of PPMK to become Pusat Penanggulangan Krisis (PPK).

PPK is tasked to manage the health crisis and directly under the Minister of Health and led by a head who is carrying out everyday tasks is responsible to the Secretary General. PPK has the tasks of technical policy formulation crisis management and other health problems based on policies set by the Minister of Health, applied regulations and legislation, and has the functions:

  1. The drafting of a general policy of crisis management and other health problems.
  2. Policy formulation and implementation of technical policy formulation in crisis management and other health problems.
  3. Coordinate the implementation of the guidance and control in the field of crisis management and the monitoring of other health problems.
  4. Mobilization of resources in crisis management and other health problems.
  5. Collect data, analyze and present information related to crisis management and other health problems.
  6. Evaluation of the implementation of policies, regulations and standards and programs related to crisis management and other health problems.
  7. Implementation of administrative affairs and households.

PPK has of 4 divisions (Division of Administration, Division of Prevention, Mitigation, and Preparedness, Divison of Emergency Response and Recovery, Division of Monitoring and Information) and Functional Group. As Head of PPK is dr. Rustam S. Pakaya, MPH, who served from 2006 until February 1, 2010 and continued by Mudjiharto, SKM, MM until January 3, 2011.

In accordance with the new organizational structure based on the Minister of Health Regulation No. 1144 / Menkes / SK / VIII / 2010 dated August 19, 2010 about Organization and Working Prosedure of the Ministry of Health, PPK later renamed to become Pusat Penanggulangan Krisis Kesehatan (PPKK) with unchanged organizational structure and as the head of PPKK is Mudjiharto, SKM, MM., commencing from January 3, 2011. this position was followed by dr. Sri Henni Setiawati, MHA., from the 27th of February 2012 until May 2, 2014.

From May 2, 2014 PPKK led by an Acting Head of PPKK, drg. Oscar Primardi, MPH., Who is also the Head of Pusat data dan Informasi (Pusdatin) or Center of Data and Information of the Ministry of Health due to the promotion of dr. Sri Henni Setiawati, MHA., as the first echelon on Ministry of Health and no one has to fill these positions yet, until finally on October 17, 2014 the position was held by dr. Achmad Yurianto.

At President Jokowi"s Cabinet named "Kabinet Kerja" year period 2014-2019, President Jokowi has implemented the Article 11 of Law No. 39 of 2008 about the State Ministry (of the presidential cabinet) dated March 17, 2015 and also signed the Presidential Decree No. 35 of 2015 about the Ministry of Health. Therefore, in accordance with Article 44 of the Presidential Decree, Ministry of Health published Ministry of Health Regulation No. 64 dated  September 29, 2015 about the Organization and Work Procedure of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.

On Permenkes Chapter XV Article 895-914 PPKK restructured the organization and the nomenclature changes to Pusat Krisis Kesehatan (PKK). and as Director of Health Crisis Center was held by dr. Achmad Yurianto since Januari 7 2016.

PKK hass of 4 Division (Division of Administration, Division of Prevention, Mitigation, and Preparedness, Division of Health Crisis Management Facilitation, and Division of Evaluation and Information) and functional group position. The PKK has the tasks of technical policy formulation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting, in of health crisis management in accordance with the provisions of the legislation, and has the functions:

  1. Preparation of technical policy in the field of prevention, mitigation and preparedness, crisis management facilitation of health, and evaluate and update health crisis.
  2. Implementation in the field of prevention, mitigation and preparedness, crisis management facilitation of health, and evaluate and update health crisis.
  3. Monitoring, information management, evaluation, and reporting in the areas of prevention, mitigation and preparedness, as well as the facilitation of health crisis management.
  4. Implementation of the PKK administration.

(from many sources)