Transportation Accident at ADM. THIRD ISLANDS, DKI JAKARTA, 07-04-2017


Transportation Accident at ADM. THIRD ISLANDS, DKI JAKARTA, 07-04-2017

Preliminary Information of Health Crisis Center of Transportation Accident that occurred in 2 sub-districts, namely North Kepulauan Seribu, South Kepulauan Seribu, ADM. SERIBU ISLANDS, DKI JAKARTA on 07-04-2017.

Two ships collided in the waters of the Thousand Islands. This accident involved between KM Bhaita Jaya Samudera and MT Elizabeth. The location of this accident is in the middle of Damar Island in the waters of the Thousand Islands. there are 32 passengers as well as crew survivors. Among them: 17 Crew: 4 from KM Baita Jaya Samudra and 13 from MT Elizabeth Crew. 2 people were injured, two wounded and taken to Pluit Hospital.

In the preliminary data obtained from the local health office coordinated with several related agencies then the number of victims who can be informed is as many as 2 People, consisting of 2 Minor Injured.



District / City Health Office Efforts:

Providing health services to victims in Pluit Hospital

Monitoring and Coordination with related cross sector


Effort of Provincial Health Office:

Coordinate with the Thousand Islands


Regional Health Service Efforts:

Monitoring and Reporting


Ministry of Health Efforts:

Monitoring and Reporting


More info contact,

Institution: Sar Jakarta

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