Transportation Accidents in 1 District, JOMBANG, EAST JAVA - 01-07-2017


Transportation Accidents in 1 District, JOMBANG, EAST JAVA - 01-07-2017

There was a single accident, Restu Bus with passengers from Surabaya towards Ponorogo, when the bus arriving at Mojoagung ring road, bus drivers drove at high speed. Arriving at the end of the  Dukuhdimoro village entrance, Mojoagung District, the driver was unable to control the rate of the bus so the bus rolled into the rice fields on the left side of the ring road. As a result of this incident,

One person died while traveling to Jombang Local Hospital, 29 minor injuries were treated at puskesmas mojoagung, 6 people were seriously injured in PKU Muhammadiyah hospital, and 7 people were seriously injured in RSUD Jombang



District / City Health Office Efforts

Monitoring and Coordination with the related Cross sectors.

Providing health services to casualties.


Effort of Provincial Health Office:

Coordinate with Jombang District


Ministry of Health Efforts:

Monitoring and Reporting