Coordination Meeting of Sub-Cluster of Mental Health, November 13, 2017


Coordination Meeting of Sub-Cluster of Mental Health, November 13, 2017

Activities of Coordination Meeting of Sub-Mental Health Cluster was held on 13 November 2017 at RR Gedung Prof Suyudi Ministry of Health. The purpose of this activity is to socialize health clusters and health sub-clusters and improve coordination of sub-cluster mental health. The agenda of the activity is exposure submitted by the Head of Sub Directorate of Adult and Mental Health Problems, and Head of Facilitation Facilities of Crisis Response Health followed by discussion. Attendees of the meeting: National Agency for Counter-Terrorism, Dit. Prevention and Control of Mental Health and Medication Problems, JIwa Suharto Herjan Hospital, Crisis Center of Faculty of Psychology University of Indonesia, Medical Doctors Association of Indonesian Psychology Specialist, Clinical Psychology Association of Indonesia, Himpsi Jaya, Tebet Branch Health Center, Health Crisis Center.