Webinar of PKMK UGM with Theme The Use of Medical Logistics in Disaster: Tetanus Case Study on Yogyakarta Earthquake for Prevention on Pidie Jaya Earthquake 2016
Thursday, 09 March 2017
Webinar of PKMK UGM with Theme The Use of Medical Logistics in Disaster: Tetanus Case Study on Yogyakarta Earthquake for Prevention on Pidie Jaya Earthquake 2016 PMKM UGM with Health Crisis ..
LIHATAssisted Development Activities of Contigency Plan at Southeast Sulawesi Province, March 2017
Wednesday, 08 March 2017
On March, 7-10th 2017, a mentoring program for the preparation of contigency plan was held in Southeast Sulawesi Province, participants from several districts including Kolaka, North Kolaka, Buton, Bombana and ..
LIHATImplementation Assistance Activity Preparation of Contigency Plan 28 February – 3 March 2017 in Bengkulu
Wednesday, 01 March 2017
The Health Crisis Center held an activity on the Preparation of Contigency Plan on 28 February to 3 March 2017 at The Madeline Hotel Bengkulu. The participants were from 5 districts ..
LIHATInternational Training Consortium On Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop in Banda Aceh
Friday, 24 February 2017
The Health Crisis Center held an International Training Consortium On Disaster risk reduction workshop on Februari, 20-24th 2017 in Banda Aceh. The theme in this activity is "Learning from Pidie ..
LIHATThe Health Crisis Center held Health Management Crisis Management Assistance Februari, 13-17th 2017 in Sigi District
Thursday, 23 February 2017
In mitigating disaster risk, there are priorities to be put forward and the formulation of these priorities is undertaken to build a strong foundation in implementing disaster risk reduction efforts ..
LIHATHealth Crisis Center held Health Management Crisis Management Assistant On 13 - 17 February 2017 in Palu City
Thursday, 23 February 2017
In reducing disaster risk, there are priorities that must be prioritized and the preparation of these priorities is undertaken to build a strong foundation in implementing disaster risk reduction efforts ..
LIHATThe Health Crisis Center organizes Health Crisis Response Management Assistance on 13-17 February 2017 in Parigi Moutong District.
Thursday, 23 February 2017
As a step to reduce disaster risk, there are several priorities that must be in the future. And in the preparation of these priorities are undertaken to build a strong ..
LIHATThe Health Crisis Center organizes Management Assistance activities on 13 - 17 February 2017 in Morowali District.
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Disaster risk reduction efforts in Indonesia should be undertaken while considering the ongoing aspect and participation of all relevant elements. This step should be done with a strong commitment and ..
LIHATHealth Crisis Center Conducting Assistance for Contingency Plans on 21-24 February in Balikpapan City
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Health Crisis Centre Conducting Assistance for Contingency Plans on 21-24 February in Balikpapan City, with participants from Berau, east Kutai District and Bontang City. below is documentary of this activities Participants from East ..
LIHATVisit of Rejang Lebong Public Health Office, Bengkulu to Health Crisis Center, Ministry of Health
Thursday, 16 February 2017
Health Crisis Center received a visit from the Health Office of Rejang Lebong District, Bengkulu Province on February 16th , 2017. The visit intended to follow up the regional capacity assessment ..