Weekend, Bekasi hit by flood
Sunday, 19 March 2017
Heavy rain that flooded Jabodetabek area over the last few days has resulted in flooding in Bekasi. Heavy rain with long intensity flushed the city of Bekasi and caused flooding ..
LIHATHeavy Rain Triggers Landslide in Cianjur
Friday, 17 March 2017
Landslides occurred in Cianjur due to heavy rain that hit Cianjur region since March, 17 2017 has made floods and landslides in several areas. Based on data from the Health Crisis ..
LIHATBMKG: Equinox Phenomenon is a Natural Phenomenon
Friday, 17 March 2017
Responding to the amount of news spreading in the community about the air temperature in Indonesia can reach 40 ° C when equinox phenomenon occur, BMKG gives explanation to the ..
LIHATLandslide in Cililin, West Bandung
Saturday, 11 March 2017
Heavy rain with a long time has resulted in floods and landslides in some areas of Indonesia. One of them occurred in Bandung District. Landslide occurred in Cililin, West Bandung ..
LIHAT6 Villages flooded in Bogor, West Java
Saturday, 11 March 2017
Heavy rain that occurred in Bogor District for several days has resulted Flash floods. Flash floods hit six villages in Jasinga Sub-district, Bogor District on March 10, 2017. As a ..
LIHATBecause of Ice Cream, Dozens of Siswa Poisoned in Sambas
Friday, 10 March 2017
Dozens of elementary school students (SD) Negeri 8 Kartiasa, in Sambas district, West Kalimantan must be rushed to the hospital. The students had symptoms of poisoning. The poisoning occurs after ..
LIHATWindstorm in Temanggung, March 2017
Wednesday, 08 March 2017
On Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at noon around 2 pm, there was a tornado disaster that hit several villages in Temanggung area, Central Java. This incident caused some houses were ..
LIHATLandslide in Magelang District
Thursday, 02 March 2017
On 1st March, 2017 there has been a landslide disaster in Bego Pendem area, Jamburejo Hamlet, Kemiren Village, Srumbung District, Magelang Regency. Based on Health Crisis Center data in reported ..
LIHATDue to Flood in Pesawaran, 2 People Died
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Heavy rain that occurred in the District Pesawaran, Lampung has resulted in Flood. Heavy rain started on February, 20th 2017, causing the river to overflow. The flood occurred on February, ..
LIHATThousands of Houses Flooded in Cirebon
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Heavy rain that occurred in the area of ​​Cirebon District has resulted in flooding in some districts. Floods struck almost in some areas east of Cirebon regency. The flood occurred ..