What Caused Strong Winds
Monday, 20 February 2017
Indonesia"s territory is often hit by strong winds. The disaster is quite dangerous because it can cause damage to casualties. Strong winds that occur in the territory of Indonesia due ..
LIHATThe Cause of Banjir Bandang in Brebes
Friday, 17 February 2017
Entering the peak of the rainy season that occurred in February, the threat of floods and landslides is very necessary to be careful of. High intensity of rain makes people ..
LIHATFlood in Brebes Caused by Broken Pemali Dikes
Friday, 17 February 2017
Heavy rain with high intensity occurred in almost some areas in Indonesia. This resulted in the occurrence of floods and landslides. Flood also occurred in Brebes District on February, 16th ..
LIHATDelivery of Logistic Aid from Ministry of Health for Flood Response in Kab. East Lombok Received by Secretary of East Lombok Health Office.
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Delivery of Logistic Aid from Ministry of Health for Flood Response in East Lombok District, Received by Secretary of East Lombok Health Office...
LIHATWindstorm and Landslide Strike Belu District
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Windstorm and landslides occurred in the districts of Lamaknen and South Lamaknen especially in the villages of Fulur, Makir, Mahuitas and Nualain The incident occurred on February 10th, 2017 and resulted ..
LIHATFloods Make Hundreds of Displaced Persons
Friday, 10 February 2017
Heavy rains that have occurred over the past few days have resulted in flood in Kudus District, Central Java on February, 09th 2017. As a result of these incidents, hundreds ..
LIHATFlood Strike East Lombok, Six Villages Isolated
Thursday, 09 February 2017
Heavy rain that occurred in the area of ​​East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara over the last few days has resulted in the flood disaster. Floods occurred on February 07, 2017, ..
LIHATHundreds of SMK Students in Medan Food Poisoned
Tuesday, 07 February 2017
Hundreds of students in Vocational Secondary School (SMK) Negeri Binaan on Karya sei agul Street West Medan District on Tuesday, 2nd February 2017 experienced food poisoning. The incident happened at ..
LIHATSinking of a Ship in Takalar Waters
Monday, 06 February 2017
In this early February there had been a Marine transport accident in Takalar, South Sulawesi. The accident that happened in Mappakasunggu sub-district was the sinking of a passenger ship, Cahaya ..
LIHATFlood in PASURUAN, EAST JAVA, 01-02-2017
Wednesday, 01 February 2017
Preliminary Information Health Crisis Center of flood disaster that occurred in 4 districts, namely Bangil, Beji, Kraton, Pohjentrek, PASURUAN, EAST JAVA on 01-02-2017. In the preliminary data obtained from the local ..