Transportation Accident at Labuhan Batu Selatan, 2 People Died
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
There was an accident at Jalinsum Dusun Sri Pinang, Perkabunan Perlabian Village, Kampung Rakyat Subdistrict, Labuhan Batu Selatan DIstrict, precisely at KM 321-322 on September 11, 2017 at 3.15 am. ..
LIHATMexico shook by 8.2 magnitude earthquake, no impact for Indonesia region
Friday, 08 September 2017
A 8.2 magnitude earthquake (SR) shook southern Mexico On Friday September 08, 2017 at 11.49 pm. The earthquake occurred at sea at a distance of 87 kilometers southwest of Pijijiapan ..
LIHATLandslide in Buleleng, 1 Stone Miners Died
Sunday, 03 September 2017
Landslide disaster occurred in Alapsari Hamlet, Pacung Village, Tejakula Subdistrict, Buleleng District on Sunday September 3, 2017. As a result of the incident, three stone miners were buried in landslides, ..
LIHATFire Accident in Tanah Laut, 2 People Died
Saturday, 02 September 2017
A fire accident broke out in Plasma Village, Sari Island, Mlambang Ulang Subdistrict, Tanah Laut District. Two people died because this incident. Fires occurred allegedly caused by kerosene candles or ..
LIHATDeadly accident Happened again in Cipali
Saturday, 02 September 2017
Deadly accidents on the Cipali Line happened again. This time the accident occurred in KM 132.600 Cipali Toll, Cirebon to Jakarta Line, precisely in the Cikawung Village, Terisi Subdistrict, Indramayu, ..
LIHATDozens of Factory Employees have poisoned
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Dozens of employees of PT Fukorio Indonesia in Semarang City have food poisoned after eating lunch on Monday, August 28, 2017. The incident started, when the lunch was finished and ..
LIHATA streak accident in Malang, 4 people died
Saturday, 26 August 2017
An accident happened on August 25, 2017, involving cargo truck, public transportation and private vehicle at Karang Ploso Street, Girimoyo Village, Karanploso Subdistrict, Malang District. The accident began when cargo ..
LIHATKlotok Boat Sinking, 3 Person Died
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
There was a klotok boat accident in the Barito River, Barito Kuala District On Monday, August 21, 2017. The accident took place where the victims were crossing the Barito river ..
LIHATTransportation accident in Kendal, One Family were dead
Monday, 21 August 2017
Transportation accident occurred in Kendal District. The incident involved cars and trains. the accident occurred at the train crossing at Gebang Selatan Street, Gemuh District, precisely at KM 32 + ..
LIHATLandslide at Cangkringan Mine, 2 People died
Saturday, 19 August 2017
Landslide disaster occurred at a manual mining site in Padukuhan Pangukrejo, Umbulharjo Village, Cangkringan Subdistrict, Sleman on Saturday (19/08/2017). Landslide material as high as 8 meters. As a result of this ..